"Environmentally sensitive tea and rubber producer of the world"
KVPL strives to manage its business in such a manner that the environment is adequately protected, the use of natural resources is minimized, and that environmental management programmes are established to contribute towards the sustainability objectives of the company. KVPL is having its own policies on environment & Ecosystem.
Stemming from this, the Company has developed a comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS) through which environment strategies and programmes are implemented to focus mainly on the management of materials, energy, water, waste, soil health and habitats. According to the strategic plan KVPL maintains the following overarching environmental commitments vis-Ã -vis the Triple Bottom Line model.
- Maintain self-sufficiency using fuel wood to provide energy for boiler systems, by 2018.
- Invest in replanting and sustainable agricultural practices to ensure longevity and health of the surrounding environment.
- Invest in maximizing plantation-based income sources of Tea and Cinnamon, and diversifying in to other income sources, such as Energy.
Every year we are targeting to upgrade the existing good practices to excellence. For that especially we did bellow in order to know the exact available resources in our land, Impacts due to our operation in order to take preventive actions to sustainable use of all resources.
Biodiversity assessment
Biodiversity assessment was conducted in order to find the available fauna & flora species in the estates. Every 4 years time a fresh assessment is conducted as per the policy. We found the invasive species in the estate and established plan to control them. In 2017, KVPL conducted an in-depth biodiversity of its low grown estates in an effort to map out the high conservation areas, forest reserves, timber blocks, water ways, and marginal areas that can be planted with native species in addition to the existing plantation crops. This exercise was completed in all our low grown region estates and was followed by conducted with the assistance of the Forest Department and the Environmental Authority, the areas where trees had to be thinned out were identified, after which the approval of the NBRO (National building research organization) was sought to ensure that no damage would cause to the soil as a result of the thinning process. Moreover thinning out of trees was avoided in steep areas that are prone to erosion, near waterways and high biodiversity conservation arrears.

Conducting Biodiversity assessment
High conservation value area such as endemic species enriched area, water shades, and land slide area etc. assessment contacted in order to find the environmental / social sensitive area and take mitigation actions to protect.
Strengthening the commitment to habitat conservation, in 2017 GPS mapping process was commissioned to as part of a broader Biodiversity assessment, timber sense & high value conservation area assessment effort to obtain greater clarity on all available resources in the Halgolla, Robgill and Ederapolla estates.

This was followed by a project to plant Bamboo & Kumbuk on the banks of all waterways in and around the estates. The first phase of the project was completed at the Halgolla estate, with the remaining estates to be completed by mid-2018. Further all unproductive areas identified through the GPS mapping process were earmarked for reforestation in order to increase the forest cover in those respective areas.
Establishing Water retention system in estates, Protecting Water catchment Areas, buffer zones near the water bodies
EPL Environmental protective license

Water Management
As an agricultural operation, KVPL's water footprint remains high. With the natural surface water sources and rain water being the main sources of water, the Company has put in place several initiatives to control usage where possible and practical.
Given the Company's goal of reducing water usage by at least 2% each year, KVPL's water usage is monitored and recorded at RA certified Tea processing centre's with the intention of reducing the water footprint of at estate level. Meanwhile to efforts to improve water quality include regular mapping of water resources as per the requirement of the RA and UTZ certifications, which ensures

- Continuous and ongoing maintenance of the water distribution network, a process that has led to the establishment Chemical Free Buffer zones and Vegetation Barriers around water sources.
- Installation of waste-water treatment tanks at necessary places to prevent wastewater seepage into water bodies.
- Corrective action is taken when water quality is not within the standards requirements.
- Septic tanks are not installed in flood-prone areas.
- Installation of waste-water treatment tanks at necessary places to prevent wastewater seepage into water bodies.
- To ensure the drinking water & waste water after filtered through soak pit were checked with independent body Bureau Veritas laboratory in order to do the assessment whether existing systems are enough or further improvements needed.

Drinking Water & Waste Water sample taking by independent body
Energy Management

Installed Solar panels at Dewalakanda Rubber factory, Dehiyowita & VFD at Pedro Tea factory, Nuwaraeliya
Sustainable Forestry
From 2014 bellow initiatives has been taken out to get sustainable Forestry Management.
Established Tree Census Register. It's having details of all varieties of trees quantity with height & girth details of all 26 estates. Sketch plan / map of all available trees of the estates attached.
Forestry Management Plan was established. It's 5 years plan, having inventory of all trees with sustainable harvesting plan.
A computerized system is introduced to keep a proper inventory system to handle it as group (26 Estates)
All Natural Forest & Water sheds in the estate were Identified & Protected. A single tree cannot be harvested from those protected area.

Carbon Emission quantification
As we committed to sustainable agriculture, Carbon Conscious Certification is a significant achievement for KVPL towards becoming a Carbon Neutral organisation. With the objective of mitigating the environmental impact of our business operations in accordance with the ISO 14064-1: 2006 Specification, KVPL recorded and tabulated the carbon footprint of the organisation including that of 25 Estates located in the Nuwara Eliya, Hatton and Yatiyantota area.
KVPL is concerned about the impact of climate change on the quality of life. So we will continue to measure and manage our carbon footprint in the future to expand our initiative to reduce GHG emission.